Events Calendar

Ladies Retreat 2024
From Friday 24 May 2024 -  05:45pm
To Saturday 25 May 2024 - 04:00pm
Hits : 1079
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You are invited to join us for Something Beautiful Ladies Retreat on May 24-25. The retreat runs from 5:45pm Friday to 4pm Saturday. Additionally, you are welcome to spend the night with friends in one of our many guest rooms!

Some highlights of the weekend will include: great food, relaxed outdoor programming (kayaking, hiking, games), ax throwing, disc golf, Bible teaching from Amy Speck, testimonies, and much more! 

A concurrent children's program will also be running for ages 3-11 on Saturday only from 9am to the end of the retreat for $5 for the first child and $10 max per sibling group (lunch provided).

The cost is $50 for the full weekend. Please note that at the end of the retreat, we will be taking a freewill offering to help fund summer missionaries serving at HBC summer camp in 2024.

register online

ladies retreat 2024